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Stand Out From the Crowd: Marketing Lessons from Top Destinations


When you look at successful marketing for destinations, what is it that sets them apart? For me, its three things: creativity, authenticity and being socially smart.

1. Be creative. What will make your destination stand out from others? Being creative doesn’t mean you need to reinvent the wheel; it’s about putting your own unique spin on your brand. Create a message that keeps your brand fresh and relevant.

2. Be authentic. People crave genuineness. Authenticity fosters trust and builds lasting relationships with your visitors.

3. Be socially smart. Doing so is not just socially responsible, it’s smart. It’s much easier for someone to imagine themselves visiting a destination or using a service if they see someone that looks like them doing it. Look at your audience analytics, or the demographics of your desired market, and factor them into your creative process. Don't forget to ask these questions: Do the people in your images and video reflect the diversity of your audience? Are you reinforcing gender or racial stereotypes?


Let's look at that in action. Four examples of destinations doing a great job with their creative, authenticity and voice include:
-Long Island, NY (visions of beaches, history, vineyards)
-Aspen, CO - (visions of mountains, snow sports, celebrity)
-Moab, UT - (visions of big open spaces, amazing natural sights and history)
-Key West, FL - (visions of beaches, fishing, pirates, even Jimmy Buffett)

What other destinations do you think are successful at highlighting what makes them unique and that we should visit?  Comment now.


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